The ability to trade any given cryptocurrency pair is based on liquidity and other prevailing market conditions. We try our best to enable trading on as many cryptocurrency pairs as possible, however, at times, we may need to temporarily disable trading if the cryptocurrency no longer meets our requirements for liquidity and trading volumes.
Withdraws and funding may be temporarily disabled for new coins that we add to our platform as initially we limit functionality to trading only. This is because it often takes some time to set up hot wallets and other proper infrastructure for us to be able to support funding and withdraws. After a short period, full functionality will be enabled for the coin, meaning funding and withdrawals will become available.
- Dash (DASH)
- Holo (HOT)
- Mask Network (MASK)
- MyNeighborAlice (ALICE)
- Render Network (RNDR)
- Serum (SRM)
- Wrapped Bitcoin (WBTC)
- ZCash (ZEC)
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